Facing The Challenge: Building A Responsive Web Application
We are talking and reading a lot about responsive Web design (RWD) these days, but very little attention is given to Web applications. Admittedly, RWD still has to be ironed out. But many of us...
View ArticleChrome Logger – An Extension For Debugging Server-Side Code
Google Chrome’s “Developer Tools” is what many developers use to debug client-side code. Chrome Logger is an extension that brings server-side code debugging to this tool. It has libraries for PHP,...
View ArticleChrome Logger – An Extension For Debugging Server-Side Code
Google Chrome’s “Developer Tools” is what many developers use to debug client-side code. Chrome Logger is an extension that brings server-side code debugging to this tool. It has libraries for PHP,...
View ArticleChrome Logger – An Extension For Debugging Server-Side Code
Google Chrome’s “Developer Tools” is what many developers use to debug client-side code. Chrome Logger is an extension that brings server-side code debugging to this tool. It has libraries for PHP,...
View ArticleChrome Logger – An Extension For Debugging Server-Side Code
Google Chrome’s “Developer Tools” is what many developers use to debug client-side code. Chrome Logger is an extension that brings server-side code debugging to this tool. It has libraries for PHP,...
View ArticleThe Smashing Magazine 2013 Photo Contest: Winners And Best Entries
Three weeks ago we launched a photo contest and asked everyone to submit a creative picture of the object that fuels their creativity and inspiration. For all of you who have participated, thank...
View ArticleMy (Simple) Workflow To Design And Develop A Portfolio Website
Please notice that this article is targeted at newcomers to the industry rather than seasoned designers and developers. The point of the article is to provide a general guide to building...
View ArticleBuild a Modular Dashboard Interface With Pure
Today, we will be making a beautiful, minimal dashboard using Pure ( view the project on GitHub ), the new mini-CSS module library from Yahoo!. We will be talking about and using some of the...
View ArticleEarning Links vs. Building Links
Earning Links vs. Building Links is a post by SEO expert Jeremy Thorne . For information about our SEO services or more great SEO tips and tricks, visit the SEO.com blog . Earning Links Create great...
View ArticleAwesome Chrome Extension For API & HTTP Request Debugging – Postman
Lately, a post at WRD had introduced Hack St. which was a handy web app for debugging HTTP requests. Postman is a similar tool with more features and comes as a free Chrome extension . It allows...
View ArticleCreative And Innovative Navigation Designs
A website has a personality — it is a reflection of the person or organization behind it. When people visit your website, you want it to stand out from the crowd, to be memorable. You want people...
View ArticleRetina-Friendly Photoshop Slicing With “Cut&Slice Me”
Adobe Photoshop is constantly evolving; new features are added with each release, while existing features are improved. There is, however, one area which is still quite outdated; the way we slice our...
View ArticleFile Type Icon Set with Flat Design Style
Advertise here via BSA File Type Icons is a set of 62 different file extension icons . They are designed in long shadow flat design style. You can see some of the most popular filename extensions like...
View ArticlePhalcon PHP – Higher Performance Web Framework
Advertise here via BSA Phalcon PHP is a web framework delivered as a C extension providing high performance and lower resource consumption . Phalcon PHP is written in C with platform independence in...
View ArticleThe Google Maps API and Custom Overlays
This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Google Maps API for Designers In our previous tutorial we looked at how you can add markers and customize the colors and menus of a Google map using the...
View ArticleHow They Did it: Rebuilding 8 Faces
8 Faces is an 88 page bi-annual, independently published, magazine centred around interviews with eight leading designers from the fields of print, web, illustration and type design. Each interview is...
View ArticleIntroducing LiveStyle: Better, Stronger And Smarter CSS Live Reload
In the past, we featured some exciting tools and libraries: PrefixFree , Foundation , Sisyphus.js , GuideGuide , Gridpak , JS Bin and CSSComb . All of them have been developed and released by...
View ArticleAnalyze The Performance Of JavaScript-Heavy Apps With Web Tracing Framework
Web Tracing Framework , by Google, is a set of tools and scripts for analyzing the performance of any JavaScript-related code . It is mostly ideal for JavaScript-heavy apps and may not be necessary...
View ArticleInDesign Scripts And Plugins To Speed Up Your Work
Few applications feel as complete as Adobe’s InDesign. First released in 1999 as a direct attack against the then-industry standard, Quark, the page-layout application has been made faster and...
View ArticleSemantic CSS With Intelligent Selectors
? ? “Form ever follows function. This is the law.” So said the architect and “father of skyscrapers” Louis Sullivan . For architects not wishing to crush hundreds of innocent people under the weight...
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