Online Content Collective – The Best 13 of 2013 Online Content Collective – The Best 13 of 2013 is a post by SEO expert Andy Eliason . For information about our SEO services or more great SEO tips and tricks, visit the blog . It’s...
View ArticleAdding Media Queries to Our Tumblr Theme
In this video, we’ll be rounding off our responsive CSS by adding some Media Queries. We’ll be talking about defensive coding , being sure that we make allowances for various usage scenarios, such as...
View ArticleUse and Abuse of Icons in the Modern Age
The amount of icons we see on daily basis is amazing. They are everywhere around us; both online and offline. We love to use them. They enhance our websites’ aesthetics and can provide a better user...
View ArticleWriting A Better JavaScript Library For The DOM
At present, jQuery is the de facto library for working with the document object model (DOM). It can be used with popular client-side MV* frameworks (such as Backbone), and it has a ton of plugins...
View ArticleCollection of Helpful CSS Tools for Web Developers
Writing clean CSS is a laborious task when you get into newer CSS3 properties and their respective browser prefixes . Thankfully some crafty developers have built online web applications to save us...
View ArticleOne Solution To Responsive Images
Responsive images have been, and are, one of the hardest problems in responsive Web design right now. Until browser vendors give us a native solution , we have to think on the fly and come up with...
View ArticleIntroducing Live Extensions For Better-DOM: What They Are And How They Work
After recently writing an article on “ Writing A Better JavaScript Library For The DOM ”, I realized that the topic is indeed a very complex one and that it’s important to understand what exactly...
View ArticleApplying XSL Transformations To Responsive Web Design
To most Web developers, it sounds controversial until you hear the punchline: Last summer, the developers in charge of Google’s Chrome browser floated a proposal that went virtually unnoticed by...
View ArticleApplying XSLT Transforms For Responsive Web Design
To most Web developers, it sounds controversial until you hear the punchline: Last summer, the developers in charge of Google’s Chrome browser floated a proposal that went virtually unnoticed by...
View Article9 Sketch Features You Should be Using
Sketch is a graphics application for designers, lending itself very nicely to the world of web design. If you're new to it, you may not be aware of some of the tricks Sketch has, hidden under the...
View ArticleFour Ways To Build A Mobile Application, Part 3: PhoneGap
This is the third installment in a series covering four ways to develop a mobile application. In previous articles, we examined how to build a native iOS and native Android tip calculator. In this...
View ArticleThe ThemeForest Author’s Guide to Unbounce Templates
In this tutorial I'm going to introduce you to Unbounce , a tool for building campaign-specific landing pages. We'll walk through the anatomy of various types of landing page, go through the tool’s...
View ArticleHow To Make An Effective Style Guide With Adobe Fireworks
I started with style guides like any other obsessive-compulsive designer: with the desire to make it simple to maintain and grow a design. Plus, knowing which component to use in a given situation...
View ArticleA Type Design Brief: What Is In It, And Why Does It Matter?
Type design is equal parts suffering and euphoria. It is a walk along a winding road that goes on for many weeks and months before it’s done. A type design brief is like a charter path : It asks...
View ArticleWhy I Choose Stylus (And You Should Too)
The world of front end web development has been steadily increasing its uptake of what we call "CSS Preprocessors", which extend the functionality of regular CSS. Arguably the two most well known,...
View ArticleA Web Designer’s Introduction to Shopify
Over the course of three articles here on Tuts+ we'll be looking at how to build a theme for the hosted ecommerce platform Shopify . My goal is to equip you with all the skills you’ll need to get...
View ArticleTaking Shopify Theme Development Further
In the first two parts of this series I introduced you to the Shopify ecommerce platform, explained its key concepts, discussed how themes are constructed and then moved onto an in-depth look at...
View ArticleFive Useful Things You Can Do With Adobe Reflow Right Now
But First, Some History Edge Reflow is a relatively new program from Adobe, having been announced in 2012 and released in February 2013, with the elevator pitch of enabling you to "Design the...
View ArticlePart 2: Mojo Motors’ Responsive Redesign With Fireworks: Visual Design Stage
In the previous article in this series, I discussed our ideation and initial prototyping process. We covered details on how to use Adobe Fireworks to set up a responsive design wireframe, reusable...
View ArticleHow To Build A Ruby Gem With Bundler, Test-Driven Development, Travis CI And...
Ruby is a great language. It was designed to foster happiness and productivity in developers, all the while providing tools that are effective and yet focused on simplicity. One of the tools...
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